Monday, July 11, 2011

Poll: Bucky Covington's new tunes--choose your favorite via concert videos!

Our Photo of the Day is a terrific Country Thunder shot by the very kind Gayle--this image of Bucky Covington (with Ducky Medlock singing harmony) captures what all the live excitement is about. Check out Bucky's concert schedule at his official site, and get ready to rock!

We here and at Buckytown USA couldn't help but notice that Bucky Covington and his band have added some excellent new tunes to the setlist--and they are rockin', indeed. If you haven't had a chance to get to a Hometown Tour show yet, you're in for a treat! Luckily, some generous video-savvy fans have given us all a sneak peek at several of Bucky's fresh new songs that haven't (yet) become available for purchase.

It's always the most fun to give Bucky and the band live and loud feedback in person at a concert (so get to a show, already!), but if you're waiting for the tour bus to hit your hometown--or if you're savoring the memory of a past party--you can give Bucky some important feedback right here in our new poll (see sidebar). The voting will run all week, and we'll close it up and give the results on Monday--enjoy the music!

1. "Strong Enough to Take It" (video captured by MaryMc and posted by --image starts off sideways but goes into vertical mode in a few seconds)

2. "Silly Girl" (video captured by )

3. "I Wanna Be That Feeling" (video captured by )

4. "I'm Alright" (video captured by )

Huge kudos to the very kind fans who capture the live concert fun for those of us who can't always be there. You've got lots more chances to see Bucky and company up close and personal and enjoy these hot new tunes--and his big first-album hits--in style. (Please spread the word about this poll--feedback is a beautiful thing for an artist, y'all.) Thanks for all your help, and have a marvelous Monday!


  1. Anonymous1:01 PM

    It was actually MaryMc who captured the "Strong Enough To Make It" video. I just uploaded it for her because she forgot her Youtube password.LOL.

    I love polls! Buckyfan1007

  2. Anonymous1:02 PM

    oops - The title is "Strong Enough To TAKE It" My bad!

  3. Hi, Buckyfan1007! (I'll get that changed ASAP--thanks for helping MaryMc and for the correction. Lovin' all these new tunes, too!)
