Thursday, August 13, 2009

A request reminder, and a litle more housekeeping...

Bucky Covington gets soulful on stage in Nashville; thanks to AmaTexMom for this striking close up concert shot. (Please click the image to see more at her site, BuckyFanPics.)

It's a slow news night, y'all--but fortunately. the news we do have is all good. Bucky Covington's "I Want My Life Back" moved up to #33 on the Mediabase charts this morning, and that bullet's looking even plumper this evening. The traffic jam on the expressway to the Top 30 seems to be easing, as big hits make their way down the list, and new artists get the chance to get ahead. Naturally, we want Bucky to be among the big gainers! (It's looking promising so far today--both Y108 in Pittsburgh and WKML in Fayetteville featured "I Want My Life Back" on their countdowns tonight, and here's hoping Bucky's song was a part of your "Top X at X", too.)

We can keep the ball rolling--call your live local DJ right now, or let your favorite syndicated host or hostess know you love hearing Bucky on the air:

Lia: 1-800-577-7LIA
The Big Time w/Whitney Allen: 1-877-494-4963
After MidNite: 1-800-722-6483
CMT Radio Live w/Cody Alan: 1-866-877-4CMT
2nd Shift w/Alan Kabel: 1-888-96NIGHT
GAC Nights: 1-866-942-GAC1

There might be a few tech issues as further layout juggling takes place--please forgive the potential (but temporary) mess. Have a great evening!--Winnie

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