Thursday, July 30, 2009

A late night request reminder, and a mellow evening's musing...

Bucky Covington on stage in Pleasanton, California a little while back; many thanks to Minnie for this terrific photo.

If the state of our inbox here at Buckymania is an indication, there's a little bit of impatience in the air. Waiting that extra month for Bucky Covington's second album will be tough for quite a few of us! At least we know it's going to be a hot one--the reaction to the new songs during Bucky's live shows bodes very well for several big singles in 2010. We'll hang on in there until October 13th; if anything, that gives us a little additional time to support Bucky's concert tour and his radio presence before the album makes its way to the marketplace.

Thanks again to Texas Proud Bucky Fan for this shot of Bucky Covington (with Rocky Covington on percussion) in concert during their springtime Texas sweep.

It's definitely become "A Different World" (forgive me, I couldn't resist) since Bucky's first single and album came out in 2007. The changing economy has been tough on both the music business and the radio industry. What doesn't change--thank heaven--is the pride and dedication music lovers feel for our favorite artists. We support them through thick and thin, and in our case, we've had plenty of experience with both sides of that coin. Bucky's undeniably engaging music and rousing live performances bring us so much joy that a slow-chart summer or a release-date shift feel more like minor bumps on an an exciting--and rewarding--road trip to somewhere good. The big picture is the one to keep an eye on, y'all! And the big picture is lookin' pretty sweet...

In the meantime, the little things we do make the big picture brighter day by day--for example, requesting Bucky on the radio. (Like you didn't know that was coming!) Call up your live local country DJ, or request "I Want My Life Back" from your favorite syndicated host or hostess:

Lia: 1-800-577-7LIA
The Big Time w/Whitney Allen: 1-877-494-4963
After MidNite: 1-800-722-6483
CMT Radio Live w/Cody Alan: 1-866-877-4CMT
2nd Shift w/Alan Kabel: 1-888-96NIGHT
GAC Nights: 1-866-942-GAC1

Finally, a hearty congratulations to Bucky's big-hearted fan @lacypony at Twitter, who won the autographed photo of Bucky in Country Music Tattle Tale's first annual charity auction. Proceeds from the auctions go to Special Kids of Tennessee (, and it looks like it was a big success.

Have a great night, everyone!--Winnie

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