Thursday, February 15, 2007

First word from Bloomington (and some TV news)

After requesting Bucky's "A Different World" at, be sure to hop over to the Fox boards for two delightful recaps from Bucky's performance last night in Bloomington, MN. (There's also a cute set of photos from the show.) A good time was definitely had by all--including Bucky. The first recapper mentioned that local Fox affiliate KMSP was on hand for Bucky's appearance, so there might be a video story at the Fox 9 site by the time you read this. Morning news next!--Winnie


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    There is a video on the site now (saw it last night on Fox news actually) and they are supposed to be interviewing him this morning as well, so hopefully the second one will be up later.

  2. Thanks, Anon--I won't be able to see it due to tech issues, but would love to hear about it!
