Sunday, January 28, 2007

Vote for Bucky at CMT

Head over to CMT now for a one-day only poll! The question is "Which of these American Idol contestants do you think has the brightest future in country music?", and as I write this, Bucky Covington needs our support. Please vote! The poll is on the left side of the page, and it pops up. Spread the word! Thanks--Winnie

(Edited a day later--well, considering the short time we had to weigh in on this one, we definitely made ourselves known over at CMT. Thanks, all!)


  1. Went to vote! Eeeeek! hopped on in the middle of the Grease talent thing. there is a kind of hometown boy(about 50 min away)in the running so I wanted to see him! Voting for Bucky!

  2. Thanks for votin--congrats on the hometown boy in Grease! I hope he makes good. :)

  3. Anonymous4:51 PM

    My puter won't let me vote. it freezes up. Can anyone tell me how he is doing in the poll?

  4. Sorry to hear your PC is balking--I know what that's like! Bucky is now at 20%.

  5. Anonymous5:36 PM

    At 6:33pm MT:

    Bucky Covington 52%
    Josh Gracin 1%
    Kellie Pickler 40%
    Don't know. 5%

  6. Anonymous7:35 PM

    kellie fans are major competition.Bucky now at 44% and Kellie is, back arrow and vote again and again.

  7. Anonymous9:07 PM

    this poll sux big time. much better showing now though than it was when I started ;)

  8. Anonymous2:02 AM

    What does the trade ad say? It's hard to read all the lettering.

  9. I voted lots of times, but it doesn't look good for Bucky.
    :-( Kelly's got it.

  10. Anonymous5:16 AM

    GRACE...try this link:

  11. Well, at least the poll shows that Bucky's got some fans in the house at CMT--no matter where it ends up.:) We'll be there early for the next one.

    Grace, hi! I see a kind anon answered your question--here's a condensed link to the full scan:

    Pre release trade ad for "A Different World"

  12. So did Bucky not make the Paula thing? I am beginning to wonder. new pix at luxe life but I didn't come across Bucky

  13. It's hard to tell...they say in the text that he was presesnt, so maybe he was hiding fom the photographers that night? Still an unsolved mystery!

    (In other news, I am totally stealing Paula's hairdo. :)

  14. Anonymous11:41 AM

    So the poll is still the votes still count?

  15. Hi Anon! That would probably be a good question for the folks in charge at CMT. (I remember the Country Weekly poll was left up for a while after the counting was over, so that does happen--just depends on the webmasters, I guess.)

  16. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Well the upside of that is that if they collected the data at say 6pm last night when Bucky was ahead...that would be great. haha I think that sorta happened with the Country Weekly one that was published....Bucky was always in the lead but they collected the data when he was ahead the most. haha Oh and I just wish they would not always be comparing the idols on these. And it seemed particularly wrong of them to put Josh in the mix with Kellie and Bucky. Josh has earned some respect now and to toss him in with two newbies seemed unfair. And in the case of Kellie and Bucky....well I want them both to do well and Kellie has an album out and Bucky does that seem unfair to put them on the same poll for that reason alone. Oh well. Bucky is up on spins...I guess those are the numbers that really count not these annoying little poll numbers. :D

  17. The spins are the main thing! Everything else is sweet frosting. :D
