Monday, January 15, 2007

Coffee break post...

The smiles (and the graphics) say it all! Richard Petty and Bucky Covington enjoy a laugh during the question and answer session at the Sound and Speed event in Nashville this past Saturday. Photo courtesy of the very kind Leaf73; the beautiful caption graphics are by Vali. You can see more of Leaf's photos--and enjoy some great coverage--at Kathy's Team Covington blog (scroll down for the Sound and Speed post), and catch Leaf's recap of the day on the thread at the Fox boards. Thanks, Leaf and Vali!

Yep, it's the day before the 16th, and there's a definite "calm before the storm" feeling in the air as we celebrate the release of "A Different World" to radio tomorrow. There will be a big radio post in this spot later this evening, but for now, here are a few fun tidbits from around the scene:

Both WKML in Fayetteville and WEGX in Florence have listed Bucky's new single as a Hot Pick at the radio industry website; a Hot Pick in that context generally means "excellent-plus audience response", and we're looking for the number of stations listing "A Different World" as a Hot Pick to grow by this time next week. (For the record, it's marked both "New" and "Hot" in the "Cool New Music" category at All Access, with 39 stations playing the single. Buzz? You bet...)

(Edited to add the WKML results--Bucky was #2 in the "Top 5 at 6" countdown tonight. A #1 spot would be a nice way to celebrate tomorrow! Kudos to everyone who requested today, and a big thanks to the_mumbler for the update.)

More soon--see you later this evening!


  1. My computer chose this moment to freeze, of course! If you're out there and the countdown's going on, please share the results here...I will add them to this post and will thank you with all my heart and soul. :)

  2. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Hi Winnie :-)

    Bucky was #2 on the WKML Top 5 at 6 countdown.


  3. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I just posted three in a row on the one below this...gosh I am off today.

  4. Thanks, mumbler--I appreciate the update!

  5. No worries--I am grateful for the info, wherever it's posted!

  6. I missed it! I got lost in PSP land doing a tut and looked at the clock and it was 7! I never forget Bucky!!! He will be back tomorrow!

  7. Kathy, never fear--he'll be back at Number One with bells on tomorrow! :D

  8. Yay! Jennifer Hudson just won the Golden Globe! I love when Simon gets shown up lol

  9. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Oh boo to peep ruining Golden Globe moment for us peeps who planned to watch it in the east where it has not even started yet. :(

  10. Anonymous5:24 PM

    In the west not east....gosh do not even know where I live today. *blush*

  11. Wow, congratulations to Jennifer!

    (Simon doesn't get American pop culture. At all!)

  12. Hee...I have those days sometimes!

    (I was in the Pacific Time Zone when seaon two ended, and learned that Ruben beat Clay before the show even aired where I was. Since then, if I don't wanna know about awards, sports scores, etc, I just turn off the computer. :) Internet=news!
