Saturday, September 05, 2009

Happy Labor Day weekend, y'all! Bucky Covington's California sweep winds down, chart check and more...

Bucky Covington belts out a song for a delighted crowd at the Indiana State Fair; many thanks to the talented Judy Lang for the photo. (Click the image to view Bucky's concert schedule at his official site, and be there for the fun!)

Here's a very quick look at today's news, bulletin-style:

Bucky Covington and his rockin' band are playing the the Inter-Mountain Fair in McArthur, CA--it's their last California show for a little while, and it's bound to be a great one! Call the fair at 530-336-5695 for ticket information, and have a lovely late-summer night out.

The very kind Indiana AL of KRTY in San Jose, CA posted/tweeted a couple of fuzzy but cool photos from Bucky's show at Club Rodeo last night, and a generous concertgoer with a good spot in the crowd shared this shot of Bucky and Rocky via TwitPic. Look for more soon in KRTY's photo albums...

Bucky Covington and Ducky Medlock on stage in Indianapolis; thanks again to Judy Lang for this one!

And what would a summer weekend be without a rollercoaster ride? Today's comes to us via Mediabase...sigh. This week, Bucky's beautiful single, "I Want My Life Back", has been sporting the biggest bullets we've seen in a long time...but a superstar pole-vault bumped it down to #32 (with said big bullet intact) last night. On the upside of the rollercoaster--it's the weekend, and while some stations will be playing pre-recorded Labor Day programming, there should still be a countdown boost on the horizon.

At this stage, anything could happen--the main thing (and a wonderful thing it is) is that Bucky's song is being heard by more and more radio listeners than ever these days, and our requests can only help. So we'll keep that local country station's contact info today--there's nothing like hearing Bucky over the speakers while we're on our way to something fun...

We'll leave you with a requested video--Danna Marie's excellent clip of Bucky Covington and his band performing "Mexicoma" is a sweet reminder that when you've got a sunny summer song to listen to, the season never really has to end. Have a wonderful Saturday!

Bucky Covington "Mexicoma"

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