Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Saturday night request reminder (updated with photo link)

Bucky Covington shares a smile with the crowd at the Boone County Fair; photo by the very kind Judy Lang. Thanks again to Judy!

Relaxing with the radio on tonight? Out on the town, enjoying some Saturday night adventure? No matter where you're headed, Bucky Covington's latest hit, "I Want My Life Back" (#29 and rising), could be as close as your fingertips. Call your local country station's request line and ask for Bucky, or dial up the syndicated host or hostess who lights up your nights:

Lia: 1-800-577-7LIA
The Big Time w/Whitney Allen: 1-877-494-4963
After MidNite: 1-800-722-6483
CMT Radio Live w/Cody Alan: 1-866-877-4CMT
2nd Shift w/Alan Kabel: 1-888-96NIGHT
GAC Nights: 1-866-942-GAC1

Edited to add a link to the beautiful It's Good to Be Us blog, where Wisconsin BC-JMC Fan has a super Indy photo post for you. Have a wonderful evening!--Winnie

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