Monday, August 17, 2009

A request reminder for a busy Monday (updated with USA Today link)

Bucky Covington and Scott Saunders on stage at the Boone County Fair last week; photo by the very kind Judy Lang. Thanks so much!

Lots of news today, so we'll keep this post short and sweet--Bucky Covington's "I Want My Life Back" [hear it here] is currently #29 on the charts, and it can be #1 on your radio tonight, via that handy request line! Give your local country DJ a call right away, or contact the syndicated host or hostess who graces your airwaves this evening:

Lia: 1-800-577-7LIA
The Big Time w/Whitney Allen: 1-877-494-4963
After MidNite: 1-800-722-6483
CMT Radio Live w/Cody Alan: 1-866-877-4CMT
2nd Shift w/Alan Kabel: 1-888-96NIGHT
GAC Nights: 1-866-942-GAC1

Edited to add a link from a kind anonymous commenter--Bucky's Top 30 milestone got a mention in today's Idol Chatter blog entry at USA Today, where blogger Brian Mansfield's Idol airplay chart lists Bucky's "I Want My Life Back" at #13 for the week. Thanks for the tip!

Have a lovely rest-of-Monday, everybody--Winnie


  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Idol Chatter mentions Bucky's rise to Top 30 on USA Today Country Chart.

  2. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Just quit putting those pics of Bucky in that black cowboy hat. I just cannot take it. He is just too gorgeous.

  3. Anon 6:57, thanks for your Idol Chatter news! I will add that to this post in a moment. (It's really great to see the song pass that top 30 milestone...)

    And Anon 6:59, I am editing more of those hat photos even as we speak. (Some guys can really rock the cowboy hats--he's definitely one of them! :)

  4. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Wow Judy! Very nice picture! LOVE it!

    Come on "I Want My Life Back"!!!! Keep moving up! Show those mean "Trolls" on that their "No" votes don't do anything bad to this awesome song!!! (Sorry Winnie, just doing a little venting here!)

    KgatorKerri :)

  5. Kerri, hi and feel free to vent! You know what they say--success is the best revenge... ;)

    Judy's an awesome photographer! Gotta give props to Bucky's talented fans--wow.
