Saturday, August 29, 2009

Quick Saturday news: Bucky Covington in Kennewick tonight...

Bucky Covington (with Scott Saunders at left) on stage at the Indiana State Fair; thanks so much to the very kind Judy Lang for the shot. Click the image to check out Bucky's tour schedule at his official site, and get ready for a fantastic time!

Here's a quick bulletin-style update for a busy Saturday:

Bucky Covington and his excellent band are set to rock the Benton Franklin Fair and Rodeo in Kennewick, WA tonight; the concert is free with fair admission, and reserved seating might still be available for an extra $8. Enjoy the show!

On the charts, Bucky's beautiful single "I Want My Life Back" [hear it here] begins the weekend where it left off on Friday night--#30, with an invisible bullet. We're looking forward to that Saturday/Sunday countdown airplay boost, and a boost on the request lines is a big help, as keep that local country station's contact info with you while you're enjoying this end-of-summer day.

The Duet Dreams Come True benefit auction wraps up tomorrow on eBay; many country stars have donated autographed souvenirs and fan club memberships to help the ALS Association, and Bucky's goodie bundle appears to be a particularly hot item. Huge thanks to Bucky's big-hearted fans for all the spirited bidding--and if you'd like to hop in, feel free, but hurry!

Have a splendid Saturday--Winnie


  1. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Hey just letting you know -- first I never followed him and decided to go to the concert in Kennewick tonite -- it was a great concert and he is a great entertainer !!!!!

  2. Hi, Anon--awesome! Thank you for stopping in and sharing the fun, and I'm so glad you got to enjoy Bucky's excellent live show--he's on record as loving the Northwest, so I hope you'll have lots of chances to go again, too. Thanks!
