Sunday, August 30, 2009

Early Sunday news: Danielle the 5th Grader tells all, bid on Bucky Covington memorabilia, and more...

Many thanks to the very talented Buckaholic for this great shot of Bucky Covington waving to the crowd at the Indiana State Fair; click the image to see Bucky's concert schedule, and be there for a first hand view of all the live excitement!

Here's a little smile and a positive chart note to get Sunday started: Danielle C., one of the engaging young students on Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, has her very own blog, in which she spoke about her experiences taping CMT's country-themed shows. Among other fun things,he mentioned that Bucky Covington "had a lot of loyal fans at the taping"--if you were there, we'd love to hear all about it! (The show airs September 23rd as part of a full week of country stars playing the game to benefit their favorite charities; see this post for details, and check out Bucky's video chat with Lance Smith about the show, too.)

In chart news, it looks like Bucky's terrific single, "I Want My Life Back" [hear it here] might be sporting that beautiful bright red bullet again soon. Six (or more) successful requests would make a huge difference today--it's hanging tough at #30 this morning, and we'd love to see some upward movement. Sunday morning countdowns mean you'll be hearing Bucky's current hit all over, even before the request lines open--listen for him on Kix Brooks' American Country Countdown and Bob Kingsley's Country Top 40.

Bucky Covington and Ducky Medlock harmonize at the WSLC Star B-Q in Virginia; thanks to Laura Tucker for graciously sharing this photo from the So Salem Flickr profile. (License info: CC BY-SA 2.0)

Finally, here's a last call on that country star studded Duet Dreams Come True benefit auction for the ALS Association--the bidding on Bucky's goodie bundle ends tonight, and it looks like his big-hearted fans are in it to win it. Who will reign victorious? No matter which bidder gets the goodies (which include a signed T-shirt, a fun merch selection, a fan-club membership and more), the ALS folks are the true winners, and we couldn't be happier about that. Thanks, y'all!

Coming up--an autumn concert overview. (If you thought Bucky and his band were busy this summer, wait'll you see what fall brings.) Stay tuned, and have a lovely Sunday morning--Winnie

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