Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bucky Covington's "I Want My Life Back": it's all-request Wednesday!

Bucky Covington on stage at the Alameda County Fair, photo by our talented friend Minnie.  Thanks again!  Click to visit her gallery

Bucky Covington sings at the Alameda County Fair, while a fan takes a photo; thanks again to the very talented Minnie for this great concert shot! Click the image to check out Bucky's tour schedule at his official website.

There's a full post coming your way later today (blame my crazy schedule), but for now, a quick chart check reveals that the rollercoaster ride over at Mediabase hasn't quite ended yet. (Sigh.) Bucky Covington's single "I Want My Life Back" is now #31 there--it's been polevaulted yet again by an established superstar duo's new single, and it's fighting neck and neck with another talented new act. (The charts indicate that it's been played 25 fewer times this week than last--but it's still got a bullet. Confused? Me too...)

Anyway, here are some stats of our own for your consideration. Buckymania gets roughly 250-400 hits a day, depending on what's happening, news-wise. Since our return to full-power blogging in May, the readership here has been almost evenly split between passionate fans who have been backing Bucky since Idol (and before--waving to our kind Richmond County readers) and casual fans/media/concertgoers looking for quick info. No matter which category you fall into, everyone reading these words is invited to participate in the blatantly cheesy (but fun) All-Request Wednesday! Here's how the game is played:

a) Hop over to your favorite country station's website (if you're not sure where it is, just type the station's call letters, nickname, or "Your City country radio" into search)

b) Look for an online request option and/or countdown ballot (eQuest, "Lunchtime Cafe", "Six-Pack at Six", etc.) and request Bucky's "I Want My Life Back".

c) Alternate move 1: write the request line numbers down and call the DJ with your request. (Flirting with him or her is optional, but enjoyable. DJs have sexy voices.)

d) If you like, come into comments here and share with us where, when and how you requested! (Remember, requesting is like a suggestion box, not a jukebox--you may or may not get a song played right away, but you're letting the station know you'd like to hear Bucky--that is immensely important.)

Bucky Covington and Rocky Covington greeted a record-setting crowd at Cox's Harley-Davidson in Asheboro earlier this year; photo by the very kind BuckWild08. Thanks!

It's called All-Request Wednesday because your Pollyanna blogger here would love it if all the folks who visit Buckymania today would jump on those request lines! Realistically, that ain't gonna happen; but hey, if even 26 more people do it today, we're investing in those 30-plus years Bucky's after, as well as making that rollercoaster ride on the charts a little more enjoyable. (And despite my constant nagging, enjoyment is what being a fan, passionate or casual, is all about.)

News post next!--Winnie


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    so I hopped over to my station to email a request and on madison's page, there is a cute Bucky-Rocky photo - just scroll down.

    Check before you request just to make sure you station has not just played it. If they have, call up and say you just heard that song and love it!

  2. Hello Anon, and thanks! The check is good advice, and that photo of Bucky and Rocky is great. (I'm gonna add your links to the news post I'm working on right now. :) Thank you for stopping in and for requesting Bucky!

  3. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Well I also hopped on over to my local station WWKA K92 Orlando and as usual, was denied my request! The station even has the song on their Mediabase link (Yes, I click it daily!) but no go so I diverted my attention to the other Florida radio stations that do play him!!!


  4. Grrr...sorry about the strike out at K92, Kerri! But you are sweet for giving it a try. :) Hopefully the other FL stations you listen to will be a little more receptive! (Here where I live, one station won't play him until he's Top 15, but the other's a lot more Bucky friendly. So I know how you feel...)

    Thanks for participating in All-Request Wednesday, Kerri and Anon...maybe we should do this every Wednesday until #1?
