Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Bucky Covington fan's guide to Twitter, and a request reminder ...

By request, a shot with the hat: Bucky Covington sings into the sunset in Belvidere, IL. Photo by the very kind Judy Lang--thanks again to Judy!

It's definitely a different world (yes, I am going to run that useful title into the ground, thankyouverymuch) since the release of Bucky's first CD, Bucky Covington, in April of 2007. For one thing, the current recession has hit both the music business and the radio industry right where it hurts--in the wallet--and playlists and promo budgets are far more conservative than they used to be. However, Bucky's got a recession-proof resource in us--active, supportive fans who roll up our sleeves and get r' done on a regular basis.

The flipside of that is that we have new and effective ways of communicating with radio, TV, our favorite artists, and each other that we didn't have in '07. Twitter wasn't as big a factor two years ago, when Bucky used it primarily to keep us all updated with his travels during his mega-busy debut album release week. But now? Even though Bucky himself is on the record as a reluctant Twitterer, you and I can't afford to be--not if we're trying to support and spread the word about an emerging artist in 2009. Bucky Covington fans need to represent on Twitter, y'all! Consider this:

  • Your local country radio station is probably on Twitter right now--and your favorite local DJs very likely have their own Twitter accounts.
  • Radio stations often make contest announcements, interview announcements, concert announcements and "pick or flick" announcements via Twitter.
  • Many radio stations announce request hours and dedications via Twitter.
  • Industry publications aimed at radio professionals are all stressing the need for stations to be active on Twitter, in order to better communicate with listeners. (We can help make that a two way street...)

Your favorite artists--established and new--are almost all on Twitter, using it for its immense promo potential. (In fact, some snarky/witty artists barely seem to stop Twittering when they're not on stage or sleeping!) Paula Abdul took to Twitter to let her fans know she was leaving American Idol--before the media, blogs or TV entertainment shows had the news, her fans got the scoop straight from her. Adam Lambert recently hosted a "Twitter party" in lieu of a missed after-show meet and greet, and personally answered questions from fans. Those of us who've been around the www-block remember a time when MySpace reigned supreme when it came to promoting new artists--it's still #1 (ask this talented young lady), but Twitter has become a must-have #2.

Bucky Covington and Rocky Covington shared the mic for a duet in Palmdale; thanks to a talented anonymous photographer for the photo.

So...how do you hop in? It's easy. First, sign up for a Twitter account, then find your online and offline buds, your favorite stations and your chosen syndicated hosts and "follow" them (much like friending on MySpace.) Be sure to follow Bucky, too! Getting "tweets" (short messages) via text messaging is optional--you can ask for that when you start your account, but if you'd rather not be bothered, just check your Twitter home page from your computer, and all your chosen tweets will be there in order of arrival. If you'd just like to receive news, that's fine; if you'd like to "retweet" (pass along) bulletins like this one from Bucky that came in as I was creating this post, cool; if you want to start a conversation or describe your day, great; and if you see something like this from your favorite radio station, pounce! (Y'all know when they're asking for requests, we need to jump right on in...)

For more about Twitter, check out their handy Help section--just about all you need to know to get started is right there. (Please forgive the long post this evening. I figure any hot new technology we can use to help get Bucky those thirty-plus years is a technology we need to look into.)

Finally, remember to let your local country station know--via phone, email, website or Twitter--that you'd like to hear "I Want My Life Back" (#29 and rising) tonight! Request Bucky's latest from your live DJ, or contact the syndicated host on the air near you:

Lia: 1-800-577-7LIA
The Big Time w/Whitney Allen: 1-877-494-4963
After MidNite: 1-800-722-6483
CMT Radio Live w/Cody Alan: 1-866-877-4CMT
2nd Shift w/Alan Kabel: 1-888-96NIGHT
GAC Nights: 1-866-942-GAC1

Have a great night!--Winnie


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Please make sure that you Twitter CMT's Cody Allen!!!!! When he plays Bucky we get LOTS of spins! Plus we need to keep Bucky's name up there so all remember to interview him when his new album hits the stores in October!!!


  2. Good idea--and Cody cracks me up! He's a hoot to listen to, his tweets are funny, and I bet a Cody/Bucky chat would be a wild one. Thanks for the reminder, Kerri! :)
