Saturday, July 28, 2007

Saturday news: Power Picks, first photos from Verona, ACC Top 40 and more...

Thanks, Janie!  Click image to see the rest of Janie's beautiful concert photos. Bucky Covington pauses to reflect at last night's concert in Verona, New York; photo by the very kind Janie, who graciously shares more of her fantastic concert shots here. Thanks, Janie!. Bucky's debut CD is in stores now, and his music video is available for online viewing at and Yahoo Music. You can buy Bucky's album at Amazon, Best Buy , iTunes, WalMart Music and Target, hear the full version of his single "A Different World" at CMT and GAC, or enjoy samples of songs from the CD at Bucky's official MySpace. An autographed copy of Bucky Covington can be ordered while supplies last at his official site or via his official fan club.

This beautiful link was so good we had to share it right away! Janie was on hand for Bucky Covington's Friday night concert at the Turning Stone resort in Verona, New York, and her excellent photos from the show are an absolute must-see. Huge thanks to Janie for sharing what must have been an exciting night!

Bucky's video for "A Different World" is currently in the running to kick off the next broadcast of CMT's Power Picks; click here to go directly to the Power Picks main page and vote for Bucky now. The winning video in this weekend's voting will be shown Monday at 12 noon ET on CMT, and the voting is in progress all weekend and right up to showtime.

Bucky' s audio (also known as his big hit single) deserves a round of applause--"A Different World" is holding on strong at #6 on the Mediabase weighted chart and #7 on the Top 500 with two healthy-looking bullets. Requests make a big impact--keep requesting "A Different World" at your favorite local and streaming country stations, and keep Lia, The Big Time with Whitney Allen, Danny Wright All Night and the Bo Reynolds Show in mind for tonight. And of course, CMT's Top 20 Countdown (suffering tech difficulties this weekend--keep checking!) and GAC's Top Twenty Country Countdown are waiting to hear from us, too...

If you'd like to hear Bucky talking with Kix Brooks on this weekend's American Country Countdown, you've got lots of options! Radiotime lists four pages of stations carrying ACC Top 40, so your chances of catching Bucky and Kix sharing a witty laugh or two are excellent. (Keep in mind that Radiotime's default time zone is Central--adjust accordingly get the right airtime for the show in your area, or register and log in to view listings in your home time zone from now on...)

Thanks again, Janie--great shot!  Please click the image to view a larger version. (Another irresistible shot from Janie's excellent concert gallery--Bucky and Don Medlock hit a high note on stage in Verona, NY, 7/27. Click the image to view it full size.)

You can enjoy those witty charms live in person this weekend, too; Bucky, Rocky, Don, Shaun and Hans will rock the Barnstable County Fair in Massachusetts tonight, and tomorrow brings the much-anticipated WSOC Redneck Yacht Club listener cruise. Bucky's lucky Charlotte area fans are in for a nautical and musical delight! The tour page at Bucky's official site has all the info--he'll be on the road all summer long and well into the fall. Be there to share the excitement!

More very soon--have a lovely summer Saturday...


  1. Anonymous5:53 AM

    awwww Janie! These are marvy! Thank you so much for sharing them with us and so fast too! I see Ducky has reinstated to hat. Love all of them! And thx for getting the back of Bucky's shirt....yeap- Janie is true-blue Buckaneer!

  2. Mega thanks to Janie for the her execellent shots--what a wonderful late-night surprise! (And Ducky's hat is the coolest.)

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    CMT top 20 has not worked Friday or today. URG. But, tossing in lots for CMT Power Picks.

  4. Thanks, Anonymous...when I couldn't get it to work, I just assumed it was my outdated PC balking again. (I shouldn't have assumed! :) Will update the post, and I hope CMT will repair that ballot soon.

  5. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I was on stage with Bucky Covington when he played at the turningstone and I wondered if anyone had pictures of that?

  6. Hi Kelly, and congratulations--that must have been a blast! So far, the only photo's I've seen from the show are in Janie's excellent album; if you're a member of the official fan club, there might be more photos in the Road section of the forums at I will keep an eye out for any new photos, and if they turn up, I'll post the link on the blog. Glad you had a wonderful night!

    (P.S.--If anyone has photos of Kelly on stage please feel free to post your link here in comments. Thanks!)
