Friday, October 20, 2006

Coffee break, 10/20

It's still pretty peaceful today...perhaps everyone's busy checking out airline options for the rumored Missouri shows? But while we're waiting for the word on Bucky's possible next gigs, there are still a few hidden photo gems from his last big tour over at Smugmug--a whole page full from the Greensboro Idol show (Edited to add--looks like this one may be a repeat link, but hey--a great gallery deserves a second look...), a few fun shots of Bucky greeting some lucky fans, taken by a professional photographer during a tour stop, and a lone but cool snap of Bucky belting it out during an unnamed concert. Again, much appreciation to all the talented photographers who've shared so many classic images of Bucky over the past few months.

Back with a full post later today--enjoy!


  1. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Hi Winnie. Just wanted to say thanks for all the work you do bringing us the latest Bucky info. Between you and Sunscreen at rawkhands, I feel like I won't miss a thing!

    BTW, do you know which one member of the band is Sammy? I haven't been keeping up with the "Home Cookin'" band members, but if he's headed to Nashville with the boys, I feel I should try to at least find out which one he is.

  2. Hi, Anon! Sunscreen does an awesome job at Rawkhands--she's great.

    Sammy Glidewell is the young man in the second photo on the "Looking Backward, Looking Ahead" post from Tuesday.

    I know what you mean about getting to know the band--guess I got so used to thinking of Bucky as a solo artist that I had to shift gears a little. But now that it's confirmed that they're headed to Nashville as group, it'll be fun to see how it all works out. I'm looking forward to hearing about Bucky, Rocky and Sammy's adventures out they'll have some stories to tell!
