Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Looks like I'm going to Pittsburgh...

(Insert Happy Snoopy dance here...) Wasn't sure if I would be able to pull this off, but I managed to move a planned work-related day trip to Pittsburgh from next month to this week, so Cheesefest '06 American Idols/Bucky Covington Live, here I come again! I'll post a recap of Thursday's show on Friday. Hope to run into some fellow blue-clad Bucky fans out there! (Here's a link to Ticketmaster--may an excellent late-release seat come your way today.)

Real post coming later, after I stop grinning like a Cheshire cat...


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Hi! This is Tracey from Ohio - Look for the blue - See you in Pittsburgh!

  2. wooooo have a good time! Don't know if you cut through WV at all but wave if you see a Parkersburg sign! Glad it worked out!! Kathy

  3. Hi, Tracey from Ohio--nice to "meet" you! Thanks for stopping in, and you know, I bet we both see lots of blue on Thursday. Can't wait!

    And hey, Kathy! Wish we could cut through WV...it's just so pretty out there. I'll wave anyway, just for fun! :)
