Tuesday, April 11, 2006

West Coast, it's all up to you...

This is a make-or-break night, everybody. Even if you're just casually passing through this blog, please pick up the phone and dial at the top of the hour.
The vote totals are rumored to be extremely close tonight.
Every vote helps. Thank you!
Vote, vote, vote at the top of the hour! Dial this number to vote for Bucky Covington:

1 866 43657 01

Quick recap in comments now--if you've seen the show and want to talk, come on in!
Full recap after the show airs on the West Coast.


  1. Are you sure?

    Bucky sang "Fat Bottomed Girls" first, in a leather jacket and lean jeans. A very fun rendition, even though he got no special lights or camera work. (Boo.) It was high energy fun! Good song choice. Very much a rock and roll performance, with no pretense and lots of joy...perfect attitude for the song beyond a doubt. Got the crowd moving and grooving.

    Judges did the usual "faint praise" thing, which means we need to power vote like mad tonight!

    And yes, the hair--and everything else--was bangin'. Mmmhmm. Yes.

    Full recap after the show airs on the West Coast!

  2. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I just want to thankyou for this great site.I am here a couple times a day almost like a sickness.I have injoyed Bucky from the first time I heard him.Back to tonights song he did great.He has his own style and sound .I always understand him .I hope he hangs on .Keep up the good work this is a wonderful site!Becky

  3. Man, he really needs to stay on our TV sets as long as possible, doesn't he? :)

    Please, West Coast people--if you're peeking in here, get on the phone and vote! We need you tonight!

  4. Hi Becky! Thanks for the compliment and welcome! I agree. He is sooooo much fun--can't wait to see him on the tour!

  5. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I wish the mainstream press would ease up on him.I swear that they say hes going home every week kinda makes me laugh.I hope their wrong again! I hope I can go see the concert too.If it gets close in Ohio Becky

  6. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I was glad my husband had to work tonight.He gives me weird looks when I vote over and over again lol .Becky

  7. Y'all might want to head over to http://rickey.org for something nice. :)

    (If you click on the screencap...instant wallpaper!)

  8. And a big "hee!" at us crazy dialing ladies! It's too funny...but really, looking crazy one night a week is worth it. (I'm not sure how to explain the fact that I look crazy *many* days of the week, but that might be a topic for another blog... ;))
