Tuesday, March 28, 2006

You know what to do!

West Coast--get ready!:
1 866 43657 08
(text "vote" to 5708)

(Song spoiler and brief review in comments!)


  1. Are you sure?
    Bucky sang "Real Good Man" by Tim McGraw--it was excellent, never mind Simon! Black hat, great Western shirt, cool dance moves, more flirting with the camera than I recall him ever doing. Randy complimented the outfit (?), Paula and Simon complained about diction; and Simon got the expected "faint praise" in. Boo.

    I thought it was a great performance in the middle of a bumpy night--entertaining, flirtatious and well-sung. Vote now!

  2. Hey there! =)

    I thought it was a great night for him, too--he seemed really at ease up there, and he sounded so relaxed. My only complaint is that it wasn't longer. (Ten songs crammed into an hour? C'mon, Fox--have a heart...)

    Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow. Honestly, I'd trust Simon Cowell's opinion on country music about as much as I'd trust my nine-year-old neighbor's views on nuclear physics. =)
