Thursday, September 10, 2009

Three reasons why it's (still) cool to request "I Want My Life Back" (updated with link to Ogden Standard-Examiner interview)

We're not sure what inspired this on-stage laugh, but it must have been good! Bucky Covington at the Boone County Fair earlier this summer; photo by the very kind Judy Lang. Thanks so much!

It looks like yesterday's excellent Bucky Covington interview by the York Dispatch caused a bit of a buzz about his current single, "I Want My Life Back", and about what our next moves as Bucky's active fans (and radio listeners) might be. As you might have guessed, we're squarely on the side of "show it some love on the request lines until further notice", and here are three of many reasons why:

1. It's still "the new Bucky Covington song" to a lot of radio listeners. As was the case with Bucky's first hit, "A Different World", stations across the country added it to their playlists weeks, even months, apart from each other. Longtime fans have been hearing it a while now...but many country stations only started playing "I Want My Life Back" in July or August. Whether its ultimate fate is a Top Thirty peak or a Top Ten splash, listeners in those late-to-the-party cities deserve to know that Bucky's got some fresh, 2009-edition music out now, and that there's more coming soon. Which leads us to...

2. Every minute of airplay is a boost for Bucky's upcoming album. Each day, this blog (and all the fan sites/official sites/blogs, I'd bet) gets first time visitors coming specifically to find out who sings "I Want My Life Back"--and by the time they've answered that question, they've also found out there's an new CD coming this fall. Multiply that by the people who don't have to ask--because they've heard Bucky's name and the song on the radio--and you've got quite a bit of an awareness factor.

3. It's fun hearing Bucky on the air! After all this time, you'd think the novelty would have worn off--but I have to admit, it hasn't. From the very beginning, it was all about wanting a talented, deserving country guy to get a shot at a successful Nashville career...and even though that career's solidly launched (and we're talking about album #2!), it's still very cool to turn on the radio and hear "Here's the new one from Bucky Covington" from my favorite DJ.

So with all that said, feel free to help keep the phones hot for this single--and the next one, and the one after that. Call your favorite local DJ, or dial up your syndicated star:

Lia: 1-800-577-7LIA
The Big Time w/Whitney Allen: 1-877-494-4863
After MidNite: 1-800-722-6483
CMT Radio Live w/Cody Alan: 1-866-877-4CMT
2nd Shift w/Alan Kabel: 1-888-96NIGHT
GAC Nights: 1-866-942-GAC1

Updated: Bucky took the time to chat with the Ogden, Utah Standard-Examiner's Linda East Brady about his upcoming Utah State Fair show on Thursday, his American Idol experience, and the title track to his upcoming album, called...drumroll..."I'm Alright". Happy reading, and have a great night!


  1. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Awwww, I just caught Bucky on The Early Show. Did anyone else see that? He was on with Taylor (different locations)being interviewd by Harry about Ellen D taking on AI. He was so cute and funny.


  2. Hi and thanks, Karen! I agree with you--he was engaging as always, and I sure would have liked to see him and Ellen together on Idol. (can you imagine the laughs?) Just posted the video up top and thank you so much for the news!
