Monday, August 24, 2009

An update at Shiny Bass, a Leadership Music Event note, and a request reminder...

Bucky Covington and Steve Cook (left) on stage at the Indiana State Fair; thanks again to Judy Lang for this stellar concert shot.

Bucky Covington's multi-talented (I'm tempted to say omni-talented) bass player Steve Cook has posted an update to his Shiny Bass Journal today; whether you're a brand new fan or a longtime listener, you'll enjoy Steve's musings from the road. This one's a must-read, especially if you're a soon-to-be Supercharger fan, as well...

In the meantime, we've got a few phone calls to make this evening--Bucky's beautiful current single "I Want My Life Back" made its debut on three brand new stations this week, and there's no better way to say "thank you" to your favorite station than a request-line call, and/or positive feedback when you hear Bucky's voice on your local airwaves! Give your neighborhood country DJ a ring, or contact your favorite syndicated star:

Lia: 1-800-577-7LIA
The Big Time w/Whitney Allen: 1-877-494-4963
After MidNite: 1-800-722-6483
CMT Radio Live w/Cody Alan: 1-866-877-4CMT
2nd Shift w/Alan Kabel: 1-888-96NIGHT
GAC Nights: 1-866-942-GAC1

Bucky Covington on stage in Odessa, Texas; photo by the very kind Texas Proud Bucky Fan. Thanks again!

Finally, a small but significant mention, via GAC; Bucky was one of the many country notables at Sunday's Leadership Music Event in Nashville, at which Garth Brooks was awarded the Dale Franklin Award for outstanding leadership in Nashville’s music community. If you have a few moments, take a look at the Leadership Music website; the non-profit organization's mission is "to nurture a knowledgeable, issue-oriented community of music industry professionals, for the purpose of building a community of leaders to cultivate prosperity in the music industry." The fact that Bucky was among those present says a lot about how seriously (and how long-range) his approach is to this extraordinary musical journey he's begun. (Don't let a few rough chart days get you down--there's a whole lot of big-picture beauty ahead...)

More very soon!--Winnie


  1. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Great find Winnie! Thanks for the links. Mark Miller was also there and I think it's great that Bucky was in the crowd watching! Looks like a great organization to be a part of, probably a little surreal for Bucky being there with his mentor Mark and watching all the performances for Garth Brooks. Also saw where a LR executive was in the Class of 2009 so it looks like something that Bucky will be a part of!!


  2. Hi, Kerri! You know, there are a zillion reasons why Mark Miller is a perfect mentor, but one of the biggest reasons is that Mark really has a long, loooong range view of the business and its ups and downs, based on years of experience. You can't help but get the feeling that Bucky truly recognizes and appreciates the opportunities he has these days--he's working hard, learning lots and taking nothing for granted, and I really respect that. (Not to mention I'm just plain musically greedy and I want those 20-30 years' worth of Bucky Covington albums, thanks! ;)
