Monday, August 31, 2009

A request reminder, a "sexy" Country Weekly poll, and a few results (updated with video interview link)

Bucky Covington wears a fan-gifted lei on stage at the Indiana State Fair; thanks to Judy Lang for this fun shot.

Here are the results of our last Buckymania poll about how many Bucky Covington concerts you've been to in 2009. If you're with me in the "None yet" category (sigh!), keep the faith--we still have plenty of chances to enjoy the live excitement in the coming months. Click here for Bucky's official concert schedule (a work in progress--see our previous post for a new date) and make those plans! As for you lucky "4+" and "I've lost count" folks...well, we'll probably see you there, yes?

None yet: 18 (33%)
1-2: 16 (29%)
3-4: 7 (12%)
4+: 10 (18%)
I've lost count! 3 (5%)

Thanks so much for voting--look for another poll in the upper right corner very soon...

Country Weekly's annual "Country Sexiest Men" poll began today, and it runs through September 14th. Bucky's missing from the ballot this year, but we can still cast a vote for him as a write-in; click "Other" at the bottom of the page. The results for this one will be printed in the October 19th issue of Country Weekly.

Finally, be sure to request Bucky's beautiful single, "I Want My Life Back", after you've enjoyed the ABC special. (Huge thanks to the kind reader who let me know there was a typo in the Whitney Allen phone number I've been posting--it's corrected below.) Call locally, call nationally--call your station and ask for Bucky:

Lia: 1-800-577-7LIA
The Big Time w/Whitney Allen: 1-877-494-4863
After MidNite: 1-800-722-6483
CMT Radio Live w/Cody Alan: 1-866-877-4CMT
2nd Shift w/Alan Kabel: 1-888-96NIGHT
GAC Nights: 1-866-942-GAC1

Updated: Bucky's tenth and last video interview segment has just been posted at YouTube. In this one, he talks about the ways he keeps his sanity with such a hectic schedule. (Success has its privileges, y'all...) Have a great night!--Winnie

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