Saturday, August 08, 2009

Quick Saturday news: Bucky Covington in Schaefferstown, chart check, a bonus Shiny Bass update and some "deep thoughts"...

Another great front-row perspective shot by the talented Judy Lang; Bucky Covington on stage in Hillsboro last week. Thanks again to Judy!

Thanks to Anon in comments for the tip on a bonus journal post by
Steve Cook--hop on over to Shiny Bass now and read his latest observations on life, pop culture, and the serendipitous lining up of ducks (read closely.) We'll be here when you get back...

I'll spare you the "hot" puns this time (I think I used them all up while speaking about the Fire Jam last week) but Bucky Covington and his excellent band are set to light up the Schaefferstown Fire Company's summer country concert series in fine style tonight. The gates open at 2:00 in the afternoon, food is available beginning at 4:00 pm, and Bucky and the band play at 7:00 in the evening. Sounds like a perfect late-summer day! (Check out the Tour News section in the sidebar at right, and make plans for your perfect summer day with Bucky and company soon...)

Bucky Covington and Scott Saunders enjoy some fun in the Iowa sun at the KJJY Big Country Bash; photo by the very kind Janie. Thanks!

As for the charts...hmmm. Yep, we've got another superstar pole-vault to contend with at Mediabase, and Bucky's single, "I Want My Life Back" [hear it here], is now #36--with a growing bullet. This song's got legs a mile long, even with the exceedingly stormy and frustrating chart scene this spring and summer, and it's an undeniable fact that we long-time fans, and many casual fans and radio listeners as well, are very busy on the request lines and the "Top X at X" polls. If you feel like you're doing all you can to support this beautiful song, you're probably right!

Bucky, and the cluster of fairly new artists in that Top 40 to Top 35 zone at the moment, seem to be in the process of paying their dues. They're not "automatic adds" to radio--yet. It's hard to believe that there was a time when the big names who leapfrogged ahead of Bucky this summer were once standing in those new-artist boots themselves, waiting patiently, with good songs and growing reputations as young performers who could deliver the goods live and in the studio. But that's where they once were--and look where they are now.

Bucky Covington smiles at the crowd at his fan club party in Nashville back in June in this fun photo by the gracious Buckaholic--thank you!

At the risk of sounding like the perennial Pollyanna that I am, I'll say this--the staying power and bulleted showing of "I Want My Life Back" this summer says much for Bucky and for us. He's got all the elements in place for that thirty-year career he's after: a beautiful, distinctive voice, excellent songs, a strong work ethic (look at that tour schedule!), an extremely supportive audience who truly believe in him (and are willing to roll up their sleeves and back that belief up with action and investment) and a clear-eyed and long-term view of the business in general. We can influence lots of local things in small ways--especially on the request lines!--but one thing that's completely out of our hands is time.

As supportive as we are, none of us can turn a "new artist" into a proven hitmaker/automatic radio add overnight. All we, and Bucky, can do is what we are very successfully doing right now--winning people over by conquering and charming one stage, one county fair, one request-line call, one day at a time. It all adds up, and what it's bound to add up to is an enduring career, built on a solid foundation of focused work, faith and never, ever giving up on anything, large or small, that can help make it happen. Big picture, y'all.

Enjoy your Saturday, and I'll see you here soon!--Winnie


  1. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Thank you Winnie! Beautiful and very true words on the ups & downs of a country star. I am hoping that your words are seen by a fan who posted their frustrations of not hearing Bucky on their local country station yet and questioning Bucky's managers in their marketing/managing of Bucky's career. We also have to remember that the artists own Record Label dictates a lot of what country stars do and how fast they do it. It is very frustrating and unfortunate but true. You can't live with them and without them it seems!!! We should be very thankful that Bucky has a major label as in these times this is very hard to come by.

    Thanks again and as always your fantastic Winnie!


  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    LS has been very supportive of Bucky, They have run a weeks worth of ads in Country Weekly on at least 2-3 times for this song.

    The song is great!

  3. Kerri, you're very kind, and thank you so much! I didn't see the fan's post you mentioned, but I'd like to--the very fact that so many of us are really thinking, talking and writing about how we feel when it comes to Bucky's career path (and the ups and downs in this current industry atmosphere) says a lot about the kind of affection his talent inspires. We might not always agree with the biz or even each other, but it's clear we're in agreement on wanting him to succeed and thrive. (Yes, I know that sounds very Pollyanna sweetness-and-light, but as far as I can see, it's true.)

    And hi, Anon--I agree, the ads are great and the song is beautiful. Really, we fans, radio and the label all benefit when a new artist like Bucky succeeds, so while things may be frustrating now, it won't be this tough on the charts forever. There's tons of talent and tons of support of all kinds in the mix--he's gonna do very well, indeed.

  4. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Oh yes Anon, LR has been very supportive of Bucky!!!! I was trying to point out that Bucky's Management Team isn't the only "key holder" in charge of his career. This particular fan posted on another site through an email questioning Bucky's Management Team and I was only pointing out the possible other factors which could be for all up and coming artists.

    KgatorKerri :)
