Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"Bucky Plans Video Trip" (article at Richmond County Daily Journal)

Vintage photo goodness: Bucky Covington's debut at the Grand Ole Opry, 2007. Many thanks to Honeygirl for this classic shot.

Thanks to My4Frogs for passing along this link to today's Richmond County Daily Journal, where Bucky Covington's planned return to Rockingham, NC for a video shoot is front page news. The article quotes from Bucky's video interview with WIOV's Sara Sage, in which Bucky mentioned the upcoming music video for "I Want My Life Back", his current single. (We're looking forward to lots of new shots from the RCDJ's terrific photographers during the making of that eagerly-awaited video.) More soon--Winnie


  1. redbird491:11 PM

    I went over to the Richmond County Daily Journal, and the article was good but some of the comments below were horrible! And why did the paper post an old pic of Bucky? That made no since to me! So I signed up and went to bat for Bucky! Not in a nasty way, but very much to the point. When I left, it was sent to the editor for approval, so I hope they post it! Evidently some people don't do their research before running their big mouths, and yes, I am upset about this, people have no right to judge him when they know NOTHING about the precious person we all know and love. And I know everybody has their opinion, but they need the facts before saying the things they do.

  2. Hi, Redbird! I just saw your supportive reply at the RCDJ--looks like it was approved just fine. :)

    My theory--you know I always have a theory!--is that whether an emerging celebrity comes from a huge city or a tiny, "pop. 302" town, 99.9% of the people there will be really happy that one of their own hit the big time. Everyone I've met from Richmond County has been incredibly cool. (Granted, my bias toward Bucky's talents has always been on my sleeve, but even so...nice people!)

    However--no matter where a successful person is from, there's always the chance that a few folks might have a hard time adjusting to "Billy from the block" becoming a rising star, or might just flat-out dislike show business, the performer, or both. Combine that with internet anonymity and you get...well, you get some comments like the ones we saw over there today. It comes with the celebrity status and the newspaper editorial "free speech" territory, and I'm glad Bucky's admirers get a chance to air our views there, too. Frankly, what would have bothered me more is if an article on Bucky was met with complete indifference or a collective yawn. Five out of eight comments there are positive, so there's some passionate support for him at home and in Texas. :)

    And yes--I would have liked a newer photo, too! That one's from the Bucky Bash in '06, I believe...hope the RCDJ takes lots during the video filming.

  3. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I also left a comment (under kks) mainly so Gene & Tracey would see it if they happened to click on the comments. and just think also that just plain jealously fueled most of these comments. Like you said Winnie, the hometown of any artist will always have their "downers" and the freedom to post "under cover" opinions on the internet certainly fules the fire. Also, the paper printed this article on their own without having to notify Bucky's management because it was taken from an already posted video. I do agree that someone from Bucky's camp needs to have some file pictures sent to the paper for future articles but the paper's editor has the right to use whichever photo they want to. (that's what the Editor said!)


    P.S. to Glenda - We know how passionate you are towards Bucky and we all know how you feel when you read something like this, hang in there ok, we are right here with you!!!

  4. Kerri and Glenda, your letters were fantastic--you both said what a lot of us have been thinking, and you said it well. Thank you!

    (I wish everyone felt the same way we do about Bucky, his graciousness and his talents--but hey, that #1 debut album, three top tens, #1 new country male artist of his debut year, etc. kinda speak for themselves in terms of the amount of people who do feel the same way. :)
