Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sunday odds and ends...

By request, here's a bit of California sunshine for a cold winter's day: Bucky Covington on the red carpet in L.A., 5/06. You can pre-order Bucky's debut CD at Amazon, Best Buy and Target, hear the full version of his single "A Different World" at CMT, or enjoy samples of four songs from the CD at Bucky's official MySpace. Thanks again for writing!

Just a few random bits and bobs to start off this Big Game Sunday:

If you were listening to Blair Garner's nationally-syndicated (and very popular) After Midnite show yesterday, you got a pleasant surprise--Bucky's 3/9 Opry debut and his 4/17 CD release date were mentioned during the news segment. (We're expecting "A Different World" to be part of the "Flick It or Pick It" fun there any day now, if it hasn't been already. There's a station locator on the show's site--be sure to listen in as Bucky's single makes its way up the charts...)

In other radio news, has "A Different World" gone from Buzz Cut to just...well, regular ol' "cut" on Sirius New Country 60? Looks that way--and since the song doesn't have that automatic bonus of a slot especially reserved for new singles, chances are you'll have to request it now and then if you'd like to hear it a bit more often. Sirius subscribers can use the "Request a Song"
link on the channel's home page , or call the Sirius Listener Line at 877-33-SIRIUS.

This would be a great day to listen to Sirius, too--there's a New Country Nickel request feature in progress between noon and Super Bowl kickoff. Request your favorite five New Country songs via email, and if they choose yours, they'll play them and announce your name "so that everyone knows what great taste you have." (Now, y'all know we Bucky fans better represent today! If you'd like to try out Sirius online for free, there's a three-day trial offered at the site. But be's very addictive, indeed. Have fun, and we hope to hear Bucky's name--and yours--on Sirius New Country this afternoon.)

Bucky's board at CMT is just getting going, and there's a special attraction of sorts--some brand new, post-Idol fans of Bucky's have been spotted there. Want to make them feel welcome? Join the conversation, start a thread and enjoy--registration is free and easy, and a busy Bucky Covington board is always a good thing...

Finally, as of this morning, Rocky and Terra Covington are now Nashville residents! Congratulations to all the Covingtons--if you'd like to leave your best wishes, there's a thread in progress at the Fox boards. (Music City is in for a whole lot of North Cackalacky-style musical goodness, there.)

Enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday--more soon!


  1. I am so behind getting to post at TC lol Have guests for the weekend and a SB party today. I am in withdrawal. But figured since Ira takes me everywhere to see Bucky I better throw him a killer party lol

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Thanks for all the good information Buckymania.

    Oh and Bucky's CMT message board is looking a bit sparse. Just saying ya'll might wish to head over for a spell. ;)

  3. Hi Kathy--aww! Hey, that party sounds like fun--Ira is going to have a great time. Enjoy that game !

    And thanks, Anon! I am hoping the CMT board continues to pick up steam...lots of new people will be stopping there as well as us longtuime fans. :)

  4. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Bucky needs a barrette today! :O hahaha ;)

  5. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I agree with anonymous. you explained so well getting request through on radio. not only that, we got insight on how to best get Bucky played more often.

    I still think you should entertain the idea of writing for a living. Have you ever considered it? Some one or some company would consider you a real gem!! Keep up the good work here, we love the info!

    Miss Sassy

  6. Miss Sassy, thanks so much! :) You made my day.

    I would love to write full time--that would be a dream come true. Who knows what the future might bring! ;)

  7. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Agreeance with what Miss Sassy said - love this blog; my favorite American Idol related blog by far. Of course, I'm a leetle biased because of the subject matter ;), but I really think you strike a nice balance by not being too angelwingy nor alienating the diehards. This is honestly the best Bucky source of info out there, including his official site.

    Plus you're not condescending and holier than thou towards your posters like a few other Idol blogs out there. I won't mention any names *cough* And you write well. Kudos!

  8. You are very kind! You are going to make me blush today... :)

    I really love writing this blog, and one of the best things about being a fan of Bucky's is the amazingly cool set of people he seems to attract. Thank you so much for the truly means a lot.
