Monday, January 08, 2007

Radio update: WBEE 92.5 Rochester "Test Track"

This just popped into the comments section a moment ago:

Bucky's song in a bit on, [Rochester NY]. Face off with another new song. Votes needed. :) He already won once but we'll need to keep this streak alive.

All righty then! I can't pick up the stream, but if you can, head over to the BEE site and listen in--and if you hear the challenge, cast your vote with a local call to 585-222-WBEE or hit the "Megan Carter" link at the site.

And a follow-up with the results: "They had 'something of a landslide today' per the DJ. YAY...Bucky is victorious. He is the champ and takes on another challenger tomorrow." Another comment: "It was 92% to 8% when I voted... I'd say that was a landslide all right!"

Sounds like a link to bookmark for Tuesday night! This station does offer online streaming, so listen in tomorrow as "Different World" faces another song.

Edited again to add even more info from comments: "WBEE plays the two songs at 7:30 PM and then you can vote until around 8:15 or 8:30."

And a WBEE listener who wrote the station to ask about and request the song shared some info as well--the DJ mentioned in her reply that "Different World" is a "test track" at the station. As such, it'll only be played during the "Test Track" program spot at the moment--but "be sure to listen tomorrow night and call in your vote!" Will do...

Congratulations to Bucky--"Different World" is really causing a happy commotion. More soon!


  1. Anonymous5:16 PM


  2. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Unless it is at both station...this one is on


  3. Anonymous5:19 PM

    not the one in link on front

  4. Anonymous5:21 PM

    WBEE phone is 585-222-WBEE

    rochester NY

  5. Anonymous5:22 PM

    contest on NOW ...a few more minutes more to vote for Bucky. :)

  6. Just fixed it a moment ago--sorry! Got two different messages at once.

  7. Anonymous5:23 PM

    It is a New York station not the other bee one in Michigan unless they both have it. hahaha Bucky is leading bigtime...think he is a shoe-in at this point. :)

  8. (Please reload, everyone--correct station now linked on post or click here:


  9. Thanks, y'all! Appreciate the heads-up so much! :D

  10. Anonymous5:27 PM

    They had "something of a landslide today" per the DJ. YAY...Bucky is victorious. He is the champ and takes on another challenger tomorrow. :D

  11. Anonymous5:29 PM

    It was 92% to 8% when I voted... I'd say that was a landslide alright! lol

    Go Bucky!!

  12. Thank you--I'll add that to the post! So is this an every-night thing we shpould be looking out for?

  13. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Well I think they will keep putting Bucky up against a different challenger each day until someone else beats him in the vote. It is a daily face-off with champ vs. new challenger. :) They play the two song early in the day and then do updates on the new song challenge throughout the day until they call the contest one way or the other.

    Yay to New York for getting on board with our fav southerner! :D

  14. know, "so many stations that soon we won't be able to keep up with them all" is a wonderful problem to have! :)

  15. Anonymous5:59 PM

    we must be more subtle. LOL. Hard to remember though in the excitement and Winnie, you are so right, soon-we will not be able to keep up with this radio stuff.

  16. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Yes..he does not have to win by a landslide every day...just so he wins by at least one everyday. heehee ;)

  17. Anonymous6:36 PM

    WBEE plays the two songs at 7:30 PM and then you can vote until around 8:15 or 8:30.
