Monday, December 11, 2006

First recap from Fort Wayne...

Looks like Bucky's got a brand new fan! (Major thanks to the very kind blogger for sharing her fun evening. More later--W.)


  1. Woohoo! Think that is one more album sold!! You can't help but love Bucky. Cut his hair though? Back away from the scissors!

  2. Hee! He is really making a good impression on this tour. It's fun reading reactions like that!

    (And you're right...the hair is quite nice as is. :)

  3. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I think Bucky mentioned at the Knoxville concert (that will be televised so y'all can hold me to this) that his manager would kill him if he cut his hair.

  4. I can't wait to see that! :)
