Wednesday, March 29, 2006

News and reviews...

We really, really like the hat: Bucky Covington, March 28.A quick news sweep to get the day started:

The Richmond County Daily Journal has the scoop on the local reaction to Bucky's "Real Good Man" performance. If you called in to vote for Bucky last night, you had an up-and-coming celebrity for company:

"Man, didn’t that feel good? I tell you what. That felt good," Bucky said in a phone interview from Hollywood.

At least one of the "Idol" judges agreed.

"Definitely the right choice for you, man!" judge Randy Jackson said. "I like that better."

After two theme weeks (Stevie Wonder and the 1950s) that really didn’t suit Bucky, the nation’s most famous singing body shop worker rediscovered his style in a big way during 21st century week.

"I felt comfortable with it," Bucky said. "And I was happy with it. I just hope it was enough."

If last year’s "Idol" winner, Carrie Underwood, has any pull, it might just have been.

"One of the producers came up to me after the show and said Carrie Underwood texted him a message and said to tell Bucky he’s got all of my votes," he said.

Rocky Covington graciously took the time to post at the Fox boards last night--a fun way to catch up on the Rockingham celebrations. (As you might have guessed, the mood was pretty upbeat...)

Bucky Country has been updated today with lots of new goodies--get over there!

Finally, the major media...well. Some took the lazy journalist/Simon-parrot route for the early editions, but a few grudgingly admitted they enjoyed Bucky's performance last night. The divide between the entertainment press' take on things and the eloquent public's perception seems to be at its widest since...well, since a certain night featuring That Guy From Season Two. (Luckily, "the public" outnumbers the show-biz pundits. And we have redial buttons.)

See you later with the usual Wednesday fare. Take care!


  1. He really impressed (and entertained) a lot of people! Bucky's going to be a heck of a lot of fun to see live in concert. Rumor has it that AI's producer Nigel says we're in for a "shocker"--which might actually be a good thing for us. (Wonder who's going home...?)

  2. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Yo yo yo. Were you trying to avoid the word "sexy" in your recap?? Because I think it needs to be there. He ain't got nothing to worry about. Now I'm going to get off your computah :-) D
